Friday, 6 January 2012

More Route Rambles pictures: Albuquerque

We've been home for two and a half months but our memories from the Southwest
just won't let go.  A few friends, near and far, have asked to see more of our pictures. So I decided to see how well Blogspot could handle the larger numbers.  I ran into technical problems when we were on the road, because sometimes the free wifi connections were very slow and that caused interminable delays when I was trying to upload our photos. 

So I'll start with A today.  A for Albuquerque.  It's minus 15 celsius here in Halifax.  It was around freezing when we got up at 4 am on October 1st to go to the Balloon Fiesta. 

Blair started snapping at about 6:45 am...these balloons were sent up before the official launch (or mass ascension as it's called) to test the air currents.

Sun about to rise over the Sandia Ridge.

This balloon opened the fiesta.

Blair smiled for the camera but he had too many distractions.

Everwhere we looked there were balloons inflating!

And next to the balloons were the shiny trucks and trailers:  the chase teams!

This guy with the fancy beanie is the balloon marshall.  He's clearing a path for the next launch. 

Up, Up, and Away ...

In my beautiful...

My beautiful...


The balloons start out on their sides.  Filling them up is very high-tech.

You need power for a great big fan...


Now what are these guys doing here? Imperial Flyer....

No worries if the balloons bump:  they just bounce off each other!  There was a lot of that going on.

Oh, NOW I know why the storm troopers are here.  Check out the giant head rising below.

Spider Pig was not intimidated at all!

We noticed that the 'costume' balloons were less streamlined and therefore slower and harder to steer than the other ones.

Pink Elephant!  Our fav.

Only a fraction of the 600+ balloons that launched this morning.

By 9:15 we headed back to our bus for the shuttle back to the shopping mall parking lot where we'd left our car.

I love looking at these pictures in cold, dark January.  The vibrant colours, the perfect teardrop shapes mixed up with the crazy oddball shapes - it all makes me smile. 

And it seems as if Blogspot can handle these pictures.  So the next installment will be our stack of shots from the Grand Canyon!

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